Thank you, dear friends, for your help! It was amazing to get so many names of the dogs.
Popular German dogs' names:
Romanian names for dogs: Grivei, Gigi, Azor, Rex, Hector, Patrocle ( for boys)
and: Lisa, Fitza, Fetitza, Lilly.
Spain names of the dogs: Gandalf, Pipo, Rico, Fisgón (nosy),Corina,
Pancho, Zara, Mico, Lusi, Trufa.
Greek dog's name is very very long. :)
Names , popular not only in Greece: Hercules, Agamemnon, Zeus.
Also there are a lot of different names of the pets in this site.( Many thanks to Mrs. Ilse Schwartz for sending the link!)
It took 10 days for choosing the names that would be really nice and finally, Nastya chose the names for the puppies(from the left to the right in the photo)
1. Patrocle(a Romanian dog's name)
2.Senta(a German female dog's name)
3. Fisgon(nosy) (a Spanish dog's name)
Thank you very much for your help!
It was really awesome to find these names,
and maybe our dogs would be glad to meet their foreign friends.
Do the dogs speak the same language everywhere? :)
Hello, my name is Nastya. I am 11.
My dog has 3 puppies. Now I am thinking about their names.
What dogs' names are popular in your country?
Can you help to name my puppies?